Motives for the Migration of It Specialists to the Kaliningrad Region from Russian Regions




intraregional migration, economic and geographical position, information technologies, migration attractiveness, Kaliningrad region, IT development


The article is aimed at studying the motives for the migration of IT specialists to the Kaliningrad region from other Russian regions and identifying whether these motives are determined by the special economic and geographical location of the exclave. The authors analyze the factors and limitations of interregional migration of IT specialists to the Kaliningrad region and identify population opinions on the most effective and desirable measures to support the migration of IT specialists and their subsequent adaptation. The study is based on in-depth interviews held with IT specialists who moved to the Kaliningrad region and local experts in the IT sector.

The authors reveal that at the stage of migration planning, general push and pull factors together with the general specifics of employment in the IT industry appear to be most influential than professional factors. Comfortable living conditions in the region, namely ecology and climate, the Baltic Sea, proximity to Europe, transport accessibility of large Russian cities, and the appearance of a neat, green, and modern region, are of primary importance. Established migration and social ties between the regions of origin and settlement also play a significant role. Professional factors are more significant at the stage of adaptation of IT specialists in the region. The most pronounced of them are the level of development of the IT sector, the presence of a professional community, and the opportunities for IT entrepreneurship in the region. The economic and geographical position of the region determine some of professional factors, such as the attractive image of the region, conducive to the realization of creative potential in the IT field, and wide opportunities for access to the IT market of European countries and Russian capitals due to territorial proximity.

Acknowledgements. The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-27-20064,

Author Biographies

Ksenia Yu. Voloshenko, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

  • Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Director of the Center for Socio-Economic Research of the Region

Efim S. Fidrya, HSE University

  • HSE University, Moscow, Russia
    • First Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Development
    • Deputy Director of the Center for Social Research and Technological Innovation (CITY)

Anna V. Lialina, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

  • Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Geography), Researcher at the Center for Socio-Economic Research of the Region

Yulia Yu. Farafonova, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

  • Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
    • Senior Lecturer of the Scientific and Educational Cluster "Institute of Management and Territorial Development"

Anna A. Novikova, Kaliningrad State Technical University

  • Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kaliningrad, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Geography), Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Voloshenko К. Ю., Fidrya Е. С., Lialina А. В., Farafonova Ю. Ю., & Novikova А. А. (2023). Motives for the Migration of It Specialists to the Kaliningrad Region from Russian Regions. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (5).

